Nickel Creek - Best of Luck
Published Thursday, November 24, 2005 by Abby | E-mail this post 

“Don’t touch/ Don’t look/ Don’t feel/ Best of luck.”
I don’t forgive easily. Actually, to tell the truth, I don’t forgive at all. The past is such a messy place, weighed down with sum totals of emotion to be cautiously stepped around in path towards the elusive ‘letting go’. Each slight is an indelible mark I can only hope to scribble over; at least the further I get from them, the easier it is to melt away the memory. And every awkward evasion, every angry hiss is bound up in the way Sara spits “It should have ended there/ But I forgot I wasn’t eighteen.”
There’s such satisfaction when you feel a band has finally come of age; emerging from light musings with a fruition of jagged chords and haunting melodies that drive their hollow rage deep through you. Pinched notes ringing static; the crash of instrumental tide. Every note it pulled taut, a grind of cello base clashing the high pick of banjo. Their harmonies are always a joy, but this… This is so full of resentment and softly spoken rage, it’s delicious.
’Somebody More Like You’.
Buy ‘Why Should the Fire Die?’ from
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Hi Abby, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed several of the recent songs; lots of different artists I might not normally listen to. (esp. the dancey tunes)
And your PopText illustration makes me smile every time I visit your blog.
Being a local patriot passé , you are for a change not breaking new ground for me, but I am glad that Nickel Creek are catching on with the right people on these shores. I'll try to port them across La Manche, too. Are you aware that the guitars are nicked from, err, are reminiscent of the 10K Maniacs Candy Everbody Wants?.