Skye Sweetnam - Hypocrite
Published Thursday, December 01, 2005 by Abby | E-mail this post 

“Angst schmangst/ No thanks/ Hope my record doesnt tank!”
God, I love these brat-pop anthems; evoking every memory I never had of that petulant head-toss youth. Wrist-bands and thick eyeliner; tantrums, tears and detention. I never was one for rebellion. I missed the bad crowd – I was more the straight A’s, reluctantly stereotyped teacher’s pet. Sure, I didn’t
want to be so damn straight-laced, but when it came to the rule-breaking? My poor conscience couldn’t take it!
And god, isn’t this a sugar-rush kick to the brain? Not merely pounding, whiny teen angst, but pounding, whiny teen angst with
cheerleader yells and
That drum loop! The self-aware lyrics! The intake growl of ‘I’! But oh, the rushing crescendo of drilled electro chords and thrumming riff, and then her vocal repetition – by the time the ‘hey hey!s’ kick in, aren’t you just a slave to it?
’Number One’ Buy ‘Noise From the Basement’ from
her iStore
Hi! I just found this site today - it's incredible!
Yays all round.
Damn you Poptext!
Once again you have discovered the song to unleash my inner angsty teen girl.
I can't decide if I like this in an ironic fashion, in a so-ironic-it's-no-longer-irony fashion, or whether I just plain like this.
It's terribly confusing... but in a good way.
I'm probably the last to get the memo, but it's been racking my brain for a while now. What is meta?
I find myself liking a lot of what gets this term but I have no idea what it means.
Hey I've heard your Album Number One and it's sound pretty good and its perfect if you would come down to my place so you could get another album of your songs you could write with me and can make songs that could mix with R&B and can include Rock into it
MMWAH Your sincerely
Brooke Valentine
i love this song don't dis it ? it's really the ugly truth, just like billy s. ( which rocks )