Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

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"Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth/ Mid-sweet talk/ Newspaper word cut-outs."

Download (File live as of 25/11/05)

I don't know what to say.

It’s not my job to be lost for words. It’s my job to be pithy and adoring, in a multi-syllabic and somewhat sarcastic fashion. With extended metaphors, Lindsay Lohan references and perhaps even a little Swedish thrown in for good measure.

Even when something moves me, I can usually muster a few good paragraphs. The bass line, chord progression; the dip of the vocals, the thrum of a speedy bridge section. But this? This is something more than even I can fit into phrasing.

Because for a moment, I’m no longer jaded, remote. For a moment, there’s nothing but the purity of a sound that transcends my usual existence; something sweet. Something deep. Something other.

There’s a force to this. Swelling, soaring, perfectly poised and playing with my heartstrings as if the sound is wired taut right the way through me; the fall and lifts tumbling along my bloodstream – each lilt a shallow intake of breath, every dive a weight to drag me further down.

Yes, it’s that kind of experience. And if the indierock4eva guys want to get on my case? :shrugs: So be it.

4 Responses to “Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is one of the most beautiful and coolest things I've ever heard. I almost forgot to breathe while I was listening to it. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I cant even explain my feelings for this song. It makes me cry and i dont even know why. its that amazing, it draws every emotion into my mind. ive been touched like this by music. bravo.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    oh i love this song do you have a non live sversion or know where to find one :p
    pls share coz i am so in olove withthis song it gave me this kind of euphoria! sigh...hide and seek.... :p thnx!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i feel like oreos and peanut butter


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