Republica - Ready To Go
Published Monday, December 12, 2005 by Abby | E-mail this post 

“I’m back/ And ready to go/ From the rooftops/ Shout it out.”
“I just got to that point,” she said, “And then I shut down. I didn’t care anymore.”
That’s what drives this determined beast of jubilation. That moment. That half-inch conceptual shift from wading in the mire of emotional fallibility to freedom. That leap from ‘oh god, please’
caring to get-out-of-my-life utter ambivalence. It doesn’t come when you need it, that’s for sure, but god, its arrival is always met with overdue satisfaction. Not happiness, or joy, but a tighter grip of grim, inevitable pleasure.
Sure, there’s the drawl and attitude and mid-90s retro-trip, but there’s also that measured chord intro and soft murmur of vocals breaking out into a crash of synth and darker drag riff; jubilation in slow-build exclamations; head-toss poseur rhyme patterns.
I don’t really remember Britpop. Men in hats with guitars and ego bedswapping with Justine Frischman, right? But this kinda makes me want to.
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’Drop Dead Gorgeous’Buy ‘Ready to Go’ from
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Great post -- and very well-written, might I add. Republica is/was pure Eurocheese and a guilty pleasure of the highest order. I really enjoyed hearing these songs again.
See I didn't really remember Britpop either, just the obvious like Blur & Oasis.
Come to popstarz one night and it's like stepping back in time. I didn't know Elastica before hand! I was *so* missing out x
Republica were made up from people who used to be in Flowered Up... and Saffron used to supply vocals to cheesy early 90s "rave" acts like NJOI.
I used to dance around my bedroom like an idiot everytime this came on the radio.
Yes, I'm about to relive my youth.