OK GO - Invincible

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“When they finally come to destroy the earth/ They’ll have to go through you first/ I bet they wont be expecting that.”

Ah, the tumultuous life of a superhero! Attempts to integrate people’s conflicting perceptions of yourself. Work – home balance issues. A sense of duty towards a set path in life that goes against some of your true desires. No wonder Clark Kent is making such a mess of things in lil’ ol’ Smallville – his Y chromosome has left him totally ill-equipped to deal.

If he were a woman, the show would have barely lasted a season. I mean, honestly – dithering for four whole years about trust issues with Lex ‘I’m going to be evil, me’ Luther? Just smile sweetly, take him to bed and be done with it, my boy! Sorry, I forgot this is the WB. Consequence-free sex is permissible only when straight and/or evil and/or under the influence of kryptorocks and/or after years of chaste and inept yearning. Silly me!

What a fruitless existence. Where’s the sense of unrestrained joy? Where’s the awe of ominous wonder? Where’s the crazy-reckless heart-skip attitude?

At least OK GO are on hand to rescue us from such timidity with their sarcastically drawled odes to destructive superwomen everywhere. As always, their chord progressions simply ooze with style; an exuberance ringing loud with enough jaunt and joi de vivre to get even Lana to crack a pedestal-worthy smile. What these men do with a chunky riff could set the world on fire – my stiletto-steps fall in time with their reality and the street runs for cover.

Bonus - Do What You Want: Jauntiness is a many-splendoured thing.
Buy ‘Oh No’ from Amazon
Watch that video to ‘A Million Ways’.

6 Responses to “OK GO - Invincible”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh, this is good, this is. I never got too into Smallville for the same reason I never got into Charmed--I could walk in on any episode, say pretty much the same thing every time ("Is someone acting weirdly for reasons the townsfolk can't understand, and Superman has to battle them?") and get a yes.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Love OK Go. Best song on the new cd is "Here it Goes Again."

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I always was bored of Smallville, but then I started watching the current series and was pleasantly surprised. The actors were actually, well, acting for a change. And I'm sure they must have new writers!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well done!
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  5. Anonymous Anonymous 
  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
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